The study of geometric constructions opens the door to a timeless realm where ancient techniques merge with modern applications. Our website explores the art of creating geometric shapes using only a compass and straightedge, following the principles established by ancient Greek mathematicians. This discipline not only sharpens students’ spatial intuition but also finds applications in fields such as architecture, engineering, and design. By mastering geometric constructions, students gain an appreciation for the elegance and precision that underpin the foundation of geometry, while discovering the practical relevance of these techniques in today’s world.
7.1 – Copying Lines Segments & Angles
7.2 – Constructing Angle Bisectors
7.3 – Constructing Perpendicular Lines
7.4 – Constructing Parallel Lines
7.5 – Dividing a Segment into N-Congruent Segments
7.6 – Constructing Triangle Circumcenters & Incenters
7.7 – Constructing Triangle Orthocenter & Centroid
7.8 – Constructing Inscribed Polygons