Postulational systems in geometry provide an elegant foundation for understanding geometric concepts and principles. By building upon a set of carefully chosen axioms and postulates, students learn to develop logical arguments and derive theorems that govern the behavior of geometric shapes. Our website delves into various Postulational systems in Euclidean Geometry highlighting their real-world applications in fields like architecture, computer graphics, and physics. Explore the captivating realm of Postulational systems and uncover the hidden connections that shape our spatial understanding of the world.
2.1 – Defined & Undefined Terms
2.4 – Addition & Subtraction Postulates
2.5 – Multiplication & Division Postulates
2.6 – Angle Definition & Theorems
2.7 – Angle Proofs
2.8 – Angle Bisectors
2.9 – Complementary & Supplementary Angles
2.10 – Vertical Angles
2.11 – Perpendicular Lines & Angles
2.12 – Definitions of Intersecting, Parallel, and Skew Lines