In the context of logic, mathematical sentences,
nonmathematical sentences, and open sentences refer to different types of
statements that convey information or describe relationships between
mathematical objects or concepts.
1. Mathematical sentences: These are statements that can be classified as either true or
false within the realm of mathematics. Mathematical sentences involve
mathematical concepts, symbols, or relationships and can be proven or disproven
using mathematical principles. Examples of mathematical sentences include:
a. 2 + 2 = 4 (True)
b. The square root of 9 is 3 (True)
c. The sum of the interior angles of a triangle is 360 degrees (False)
2. Nonmathematical sentences: These are statements that do not involve mathematical concepts,
symbols, or relationships, and cannot be classified as true or false within the
context of mathematics. Nonmathematical sentences involve everyday language and
refer to topics unrelated to mathematics. Examples of nonmathematical sentences
a. The sky is blue.
b. Apples are delicious.
c. It is raining outside.
3. Open sentences: Also known as mathematical expressions, open sentences are
statements involving variables that represent unknown values. The truth value
of an open sentence depends on the values assigned to these variables. Open
sentences are often used to describe relationships between variables, and they
can become true or false mathematical sentences once the variables are replaced
with specific values. Examples of open sentences include:
a. x + y = z
b. x2 – 5x + 6 = 0
c. The area of a rectangle is given
by A = l × w, where A is the area, l is the
length, and w is the width.
In logic, understanding the differences between these types
of sentences is crucial for reasoning, problem-solving, and constructing valid
mathematical arguments.

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